Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., and clots cause the majority of deaths from heart disease. Blood thinners, or anticoagulants, prevent clots from forming and can reduce the chances of a stroke by 50 to 70 per cent. Doctors often prescribe warfarin, which can be harmful after long-term use, or heparin, which can be dangerous during pregnancy. Natural alternatives for blood thinners have more minor side effects, making them preferable.

Natural Blood Thinners for Heart Health

It turns out that blood-thinning drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen may not be the best treatment for heart disease. While they were previously believed to be beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes, newer evidence has shown that their effectiveness may not be as significant as once thought. As a result, for individuals with heart diseases, the idea of turning to natural blood thinners can be appealing. However, it is crucial to approach this with caution. Before incorporating any type of blood thinners, natural or artificial, into your routine, it is strongly advised to consult with a cardiologist in Milford, PA (or a similar expert nearby) for guidance based on the specific medical history and health needs of an individual.

Once you have received approval and guidance from your cardiologist, you can consider incorporating certain natural blood thinners into your diet. Here are some examples of natural blood thinners:


Turmeric is an exotic spice (yes, exotic!) that is well known for its use in both Indian cuisines and Middle Eastern dishes. Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin, a polyphenol with potent antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals in the body. Researchers have found that curcumin exhibits anti-platelet activity, which may reduce the risk of blood clots. More studies are being conducted, ultimately determining how effective turmeric is as a blood thinner and how it compares to other blood thinners.


Ginger has been touted as a natural blood thinner, and while that may be true, we can’t say for certain. Here are the facts: Ginger contains the chemical compound gingerol, which inhibits platelet aggregation, and stops the clumping of blood cells. While research has indicated that ginger effectively lowers blood platelets in people with arthritis, scientists have yet to determine its role in preventing blood clots from rupturing arteries and contributing to heart attacks.

Cayenne peppers

Cayenne peppers have been touted for years as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, including reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, and garlic has even been shown to prevent cancer. But scientists are also discovering that these two plants have much more to offer than reducing blood pressure and cholesterol. They just might be natural blood thinners for overall health.

Vitamin E

A natural blood thinner, or anticoagulant, helps to prevent blood from clotting to prevent strokes and heart attacks. These medications come in various forms, from natural supplements such as vitamin E to prescription drugs such as Coumadin and Warfarin. Because blood thinners have the potential to cause bleeding, they can cause bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and even internal bleeding, such as haemorrhaging in the stomach or intestines.


Medical research has discovered that garlic has a number of potential health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health. Garlic is a natural blood thinner, which is thought to be due to the high concentration of allicin, the compound in garlic that imparts its distinctive odour. Allicin has been shown to help lower blood pressure by decreasing blood clotting and reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Cassia cinnamon

You might first consider cinnamon if you are seeking natural blood thinners for heart health. Cinnamon is one of the more popular natural blood thinners used to treat heart conditions in many parts of the world.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a tree that makes leaves. It’s grown all over the world, including the U.S., but has only recently become popular as a supplement for heart health. Natural blood thinners for heart health include ginkgo Biloba, a herb that has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and reduce cholesterol.


Natural blood thinners, like bromelain, are responsible for keeping blood clots from forming. An enzyme known as bromelain is found in the stem of the pineapple plant, and it is taken to prevent blood clots from forming. Consumed before a meal, the pineapple stem acts as a natural blood thinner. Bromelain is also useful in reducing inflammation.

Blood thinners are substances used to prevent blood from clotting. This is usually done to prevent clots from forming in arteries or veins. While anticoagulants help prevent clots from forming, they can also cause excessive thinning of the blood, preventing it from clotting normally. If this occurs, it can result in bleeding.

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